Glint – Gold and Crypto

Glint – Gold and Crypto


In the latest time, the traditional way of banking and financial management, went under the umbrella of the innovation of electronic and virtual world. Today people prefer to use online platforms and online payment services in place of traditional ways. However, the new way of financial system, new types of currencies and the issue of trust, made users around the world worry about the future of using these online platforms. In this short article, we want to write about Glint, the online platform with totally new ideas in case of payment and transaction services.

Glint & Its Features

As mentioned above, in the era and time of new types of currencies, virtual worlds and issues of trust and security, Glint came up with the new idea of allowing a more stable global economy. The idea of Glint was about more stability, more reliability, more control over the funds by using the most trusted type of money in the whole history, Gold. Glint is providing debit Mastercards for their users that is acceptable in more than 210 countries and many ATMs in all around the world. Shortly, Glint believes that in the modern world the main problem is that customers and industries are not able to control the value of the money in any kind and the main solution for that is Gold. Should be noted that this platform is regulated and authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Gold & Crypto by Glint

According to what was said before, Glint is searching and offering the unique and independent type of currencies that today in this modern world can be useful and under the control of the customers. In this case, according to Glint, both Gold and Crypto are bringing more stability and independence for users than paper money. Glint is offering to use Gold in online and virtual format in place of traditional money for making all payments, shopping and spending. However, Glint believes that Crypto is far from this goal than Gold because still so many industries and companies are refusing to use and accept cryptocurrencies. Glint is not one type of Cryptocurrencies and it is allowing users to share, save and spend in real gold and also in different currencies like EUR, USD and GBP. Gold has an easier and simpler regulation than Crypto, it is faster in the electronic world, it is saving more energy for humanity and it has a huge history all over the world.


Definitely, today there are so many different online platforms that are active and offering many different services especially in case of financial management. However we should admit that Glint with its unique idea, Gold, made an evolution in this sphere and today we can count this platform as one of the unique in its kind. Surly the huge competition between these type of services, can be helpful for improvement of Glint in the future.


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